Today I Learned Science
Today I Learned Science
Amelia Earhart's Plane Found?

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Amelia Earhart's Plane Found?

Interview with Tony Romeo, CEO of Deep Sea Vision
Image of the ‘plane-shaped object’ picked up by Deep Sea Vision’s sonar scan

Back in February of this year, Deep Sea Vision, an underwater exploration company, believed they may have found Amelia Earhart’s long lost plane at the bottom of the ocean about 100 miles off the coast of where she was supposed to have landed near Howland Island.

I interviewed the CEO of Deep Sea Vision, Tony Romeo to get his firsthand account and thoughts on what this sonar scan could potentially reveal.

But first, let’s retrace Amelia Earhart’s final steps around the world, before she went radio silent forever…

Link to last week’s Substack post with Ric Gillespie’s Interview

Full Amelia Earhart video deep dive with interview clips of Tony Romeo and Ric Gillespie (head of TIGHAR)

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Dr. Harini Bhat