1. What is this??

Welcome aboard! You’ve stumbled upon Today I Learned Science, a prescription for the curious mind 🧠💡

2. Who am I?

My name is Dr. Harini Bhat, I am a clinically trained pharmacist out of UCSF who further specialized in hematology/oncology thinking I’d be doing that for the rest of my life. Then COVID hit. The pause that stirred the world. In late 2021, I began posting videos on TikTok, first funny videos of my brother’s dog (???) and then videos to combat disinformation about COVID. That’s when everything changed for me. I didn’t go viral and no one except probably my friends were liking my posts at this point, but pressing publish unlocked a creativity and curiosity in me that had been starving to get out. I’ve been pressing publish nearly every single day since then, and now 3 platforms, over 24 million+ likes, 770k+ followers and 3 video awards later - I’m on Substack and man, it feels like home.

3. Science Curious Community

If you've got a sweet spot for all things science & more, an insatiable curiosity that rivals a cat's nine lives, and a knack for reveling in the wonder of our wacky world, then you've come to the right place!

4. Expect BOLD. Expect WHOA. Expect, Huh?…Interesting…

Prepare for a rollercoaster ride through the world of whimsy and wonder, where I'll be dishing out an assortment of delectable tidbits once a week! Some may be quick nibbles, while others will be hearty, multi-course feasts for your curious mind. We're talking everything from light-hearted jaunts to deep dives into the scientific abyss. But remember, at the heart of it all beats the drum of science! So, buckle up, my fellow explorer, because we're about to embark on a journey that's as thrilling as a ride on a subatomic particle!

5. But, wait! There’s MORE!

If you have followed me over from TikTok, Instagram or YouTube - hello my friends!! I have heard your requests LOUD and clear. So, in addition to the usual science exploration content, you will be getting more of me. Who am I? (too existential?) You want to get to know me as much as I’d like to get to know you! So, my Substack is going to be the place where we get to do that together. I’ll be sharing videos, audio, and written anecdotes about my life, how I do my videos, my research process, but I’ll also be sharing interviews with experts in their field about your favorite tilscience stories. It’s an exciting space to follow, so don’t miss out on it all!

One of my favorite art pieces and artists (I am enamored with art history) is ‘The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus’ by Joseph Wright of Derby. One of the few artists of the 18th century to paint scenes of science.

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A prescription for the curious mind 🧠💡 Weekly deep dives into the interconnected web of science & history. By Dr. Harini Bhat: 772k+ TikTok, IG, YT @tilscience 2024 Webby Honoree & Anthem Awards | 2023 Telly Awards 🏆


Substack of Today I Learned Science, created by Dr. Harini Bhat, deep dives into science & history: A prescription for the curious mind. 1 million across platforms!